The Old Bridge Soccer Club is a proud supporter of the Just4kixs Program since 2014. The Just4kixs program is available to any boy or girl with special needs. The OBSC has made it possible for Just4kixs to open registration to any child in Old Bridge or surrounding towns to play soccer in a non-judgmental environment with opportunities to mainstream on to the recreational soccer programs.
The OBSC recognizes Autism Awareness month in April and shows their support each and every week at the field. They have openly welcomed our unique league to their family and embraced us with open arms. They have given Just4kixs the opportunity to develop and grow into the largest soccer league for special needs children in Middlesex County. Just4kixs is proud to be part of the Old Bridge Soccer Club.
1) To foster and promote the game of soccer among the children of the Township of Old Bridge and surrounding communities.
2) To provide soccer coaching and training to the children of the Township of Old Bridge and surrounding communities.
3) To promote good sportsmanship among all participants regardless of race, color, or creed.
4) To foster, promote, and insure sportsmanlike conduct at all times, on and off the playing field, by all members, parents, coaches, and other persons associated with the Association.
5) To raise funds by various means as deemed proper to support any of the objectives of the Association.
Travel Soccer Program
The purpose of the Travel Soccer Program is to offer to the children of Old Bridge and surrounding communities a higher level of competition then is offered by the Recreation Soccer Program. Each player expressing an interest in the Travel Program will be given an equal opportunity to make a Travel Team in her respective age group and the best players available will be selected to represent the Association. An important goal of the Association is to allow every player the opportunity to reach the highest level of soccer proficiency that she is capable of achieving.
Recreational Soccer Program
The purpose of the Recreation Soccer Program is to promote the game of soccer in a non-competitive, fun atmosphere for the girls of the township of Old Bridge and surrounding communities. The Association will provide all players training, leadership, and promote good sportsmanship. All recreation players will be afforded the opportunity and encouraged to play the game of soccer regardless of ability and skill level.
Old Bridge Soccer Club
Old Bridge Soccer Club
The Old Bridge Soccer Club is a proud supporter of the Just4kixs Program since 2014. The Just4kixs program is available to any boy or girl with special needs. The OBSC has made it possible for Just4kixs to open registration to any child in Old Bridge or surrounding towns to play soccer in a non-judgmental environment with opportunities to mainstream on to the recreational soccer programs.
Visit their website at
Check out our video about the Just4kixs and Old Bridge Soccer Club,
The Old Bridge Soccer Club Mission Statement
The purpose of the Association is:
1) To foster and promote the game of soccer among the children of the Township of Old Bridge and surrounding communities.
2) To provide soccer coaching and training to the children of the Township of Old Bridge and surrounding communities.
3) To promote good sportsmanship among all participants regardless of race, color, or creed.
4) To foster, promote, and insure sportsmanlike conduct at all times, on and off the playing field, by all members, parents, coaches, and other persons associated with the Association.
5) To raise funds by various means as deemed proper to support any of the objectives of the Association.
Travel Soccer Program
The purpose of the Travel Soccer Program is to offer to the children of Old Bridge and surrounding communities a higher level of competition then is offered by the Recreation Soccer Program. Each player expressing an interest in the Travel Program will be given an equal opportunity to make a Travel Team in her respective age group and the best players available will be selected to represent the Association. An important goal of the Association is to allow every player the opportunity to reach the highest level of soccer proficiency that she is capable of achieving.
Recreational Soccer Program
The purpose of the Recreation Soccer Program is to promote the game of soccer in a non-competitive, fun atmosphere for the girls of the township of Old Bridge and surrounding communities. The Association will provide all players training, leadership, and promote good sportsmanship. All recreation players will be afforded the opportunity and encouraged to play the game of soccer regardless of ability and skill level.
Register at the OBGSL site to play or volunteer:
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Buddy Training & PLAYER UNIFORM PICKUP @ the Old Bridge Elks Lodge 2229
First day of soccer
2nd day of soccer
Crazy Hat Day
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2017 Buddy Flyer
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