The Just4kixs coaches are some of the most dedicated and energetic group of people you may ever meet. We have 40 coaches on the field with these amazing children. Many of our coaches have been with us from day one. Just4kixs began in the fall of 2007, and some of these coaches started with us back then and are still with us today. Twelve of our coaches began as a buddy with Just4kixs; they were such amazing buddies we felt they would make fantastic coaches. Some of our coaches are parents of a child with special needs, and some of them coach just because they love helping others.
We have 6 friendly coaches at the sign in table to greet you each week when you arrive. They will direct you to the correct team for your child. They can assist you with uniforms and any concerns about the playtime. They keep track of all the players and buddies each week.
“Coaching is taking a player where they can’t take them self.”
These coaches do that every week, season after season!
Meet our Photographer, Danny Greene
We have a spectacular photographer on the field each week who captures the most beautiful moments in an instant. Danny has been taking candid and professional photos for Just4kixs with us since 2009. His pictures are posted on the Just4kixs Facebook page each week. He volunteers his time each week and does this because he loves seeing the smiling faces on the field. Danny has three boys, and all three of them were buddies for Just4kixs. Danny’s boys have grown into to incredible men and two of his boys are now coaches with Just4kixs.
Meet our Buddy Coordinator, Linda Giasullo
Linda is responsible for all the dedicated buddies on the field with us. She contacts the local schools and churches looking for teenagers in need of community service. Linda sends out countless emails to find local teens to join the Just4kixs Program. She keeps track of the hours they put in and makes sure each buddy works well with each child. Linda can be contacted at
Meet our Program Director, Karen Medeiros
Karen founded Just4kixs in 2007. She started the Just4kixs program to help benefit her son Maxwell, who has autism. The program has grown from 25 players to over 150 players since 2007. Karen reaches out to the surrounding school districts to advertise the program and communicates to all the families via email and some phone calls. Any concerns about the program or your child’s special needs, team selection, uniform, enrollment, whatever it is, please reach out to Karen at
Meet our Coaches
The Just4kixs coaches are some of the most dedicated and energetic group of people you may ever meet. We have 40 coaches on the field with these amazing children. Many of our coaches have been with us from day one. Just4kixs began in the fall of 2007, and some of these coaches started with us back then and are still with us today. Twelve of our coaches began as a buddy with Just4kixs; they were such amazing buddies we felt they would make fantastic coaches. Some of our coaches are parents of a child with special needs, and some of them coach just because they love helping others.
We have 6 friendly coaches at the sign in table to greet you each week when you arrive. They will direct you to the correct team for your child. They can assist you with uniforms and any concerns about the playtime. They keep track of all the players and buddies each week.
“Coaching is taking a player where they can’t take them self.”
These coaches do that every week, season after season!
Meet our Photographer, Danny Greene
We have a spectacular photographer on the field each week who captures the most beautiful moments in an instant. Danny has been taking candid and professional photos for Just4kixs with us since 2009. His pictures are posted on the Just4kixs Facebook page each week. He volunteers his time each week and does this because he loves seeing the smiling faces on the field. Danny has three boys, and all three of them were buddies for Just4kixs. Danny’s boys have grown into to incredible men and two of his boys are now coaches with Just4kixs.
Meet our Buddy Coordinator, Linda Giasullo
Karen founded Just4kixs in 2007. She started the Just4kixs program to help benefit her son Maxwell, who has autism. The program has grown from 25 players to over 150 players since 2007. Karen reaches out to the surrounding school districts to advertise the program and communicates to all the families via email and some phone calls. Any concerns about the program or your child’s special needs, team selection, uniform, enrollment, whatever it is, please reach out to Karen at
Check out our video about the Just4kixs Program,
Register at the OBGSL site to play or volunteer:
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Upcoming Dates
Buddy Training & PLAYER UNIFORM PICKUP @ the Old Bridge Elks Lodge 2229
First day of soccer
2nd day of soccer
Crazy Hat Day
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2017 Player Flyer
2017 Buddy Flyer
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