Just4kixs will pair your child up with a teenager buddy to help them learn the ins and outs of basic soccer skills, one on one. It’s a wonderful opportunity for teens to have an enriching experience while helping their community. Buddies will receive all the training they need before the season begins.
Become a Buddy
J4K is looking for responsible teens to be a buddy to a child with special needs for the Just4kixs special needs soccer league. If you are between the ages of 12- 19 you can be a buddy and friend to a special child.
You do not need any soccer experience to be a buddy. All you need is patience, enthusiasm, and a friendly smile. You will work alongside a child with special needs for one hour each Saturday for 10 weeks. Buddies will assist their special child in basic soccer skills, kicking, passing, running, dribbling, games and more. You will work one on one and guide them on the field under the direction of the head coach.
You will receive 15 hours of community service for completing the program and a lifetime of memories for sharing your time. We need about 220 buddies each season, bring your friends to sign up as well. We can assure you it will be one of the best and most rewarding experiences you will ever have.
Training to be a buddy: All buddies will be offered a short training class prior to the start of the season. This training class is informal and will be done on the same night as the uniform night. Buddies will receive community service for attending this 1 hour training class on uniform night. Buddies will learn the ins and outs of working with children with special needs. This informative class will help prepare our buddies for the season. It will give them some insight as to what to expect and what is expected of them on the field. We strongly urge all buddies to attend this 1 hour class when buddies pick up their buddy shirt on uniform night. (Training is April 3, 6pm-7:45pm)
Sign up is easy: Visit the website to enroll your teenager in the program. Directions to become a buddy.
Click this Registration link, it takes you to the Old Bridge Soccer Club website. FOLLOW STEPS…
(create a profile, add your teen as a participant. (not as a volunteer) once you make them a participant, select program, (drop down box) select Buddy or field crew, answer all questions, scroll to bottom, check out. You will receive an email immediately if you enrolled as a buddy/field crew.
For questions, email Linda Giasullo, Buddy Coordinator, at vgpg03@gmail.com or linda@just4kixs.org.
The Buddy Program:
Just4kixs will pair your child up with a teenager buddy to help them learn the ins and outs of basic soccer skills, one on one. It’s a wonderful opportunity for teens to have an enriching experience while helping their community. Buddies will receive all the training they need before the season begins.
Become a Buddy
J4K is looking for responsible teens to be a buddy to a child with special needs for the Just4kixs special needs soccer league. If you are between the ages of 12- 19 you can be a buddy and friend to a special child.
You do not need any soccer experience to be a buddy. All you need is patience, enthusiasm, and a friendly smile. You will work alongside a child with special needs for one hour each Saturday for 10 weeks. Buddies will assist their special child in basic soccer skills, kicking, passing, running, dribbling, games and more. You will work one on one and guide them on the field under the direction of the head coach.
You will receive 15 hours of community service for completing the program and a lifetime of memories for sharing your time. We need about 220 buddies each season, bring your friends to sign up as well. We can assure you it will be one of the best and most rewarding experiences you will ever have.
Training to be a buddy: All buddies will be offered a short training class prior to the start of the season. This training class is informal and will be done on the same night as the uniform night. Buddies will receive community service for attending this 1 hour training class on uniform night.
Buddies will learn the ins and outs of working with children with special needs. This informative class will help prepare our buddies for the season. It will give them some insight as to what to expect and what is expected of them on the field. We strongly urge all buddies to attend this 1 hour class when buddies pick up their buddy shirt on uniform night. (Training is April 3, 6pm-7:45pm)
Sign up is easy: Visit the website to enroll your teenager in the program. Directions to become a buddy.
Click this Registration link, it takes you to the Old Bridge Soccer Club website. FOLLOW STEPS…
(create a profile, add your teen as a participant. (not as a volunteer) once you make them a participant, select program, (drop down box) select Buddy or field crew, answer all questions, scroll to bottom, check out. You will receive an email immediately if you enrolled as a buddy/field crew.
For questions, email Linda Giasullo, Buddy Coordinator, at vgpg03@gmail.com or linda@just4kixs.org.
check out out BUDDY PLEDGE
Register at the OBGSL site to play or volunteer:
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Upcoming Dates
Buddy Training & PLAYER UNIFORM PICKUP @ the Old Bridge Elks Lodge 2229
First day of soccer
2nd day of soccer
Crazy Hat Day
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2017 Player Flyer
2017 Buddy Flyer
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